Minor Prophets: Bibliography

As I mentioned before my professors have been pushing me to be a Minor-Prophets scholar. So I decided that I need to start recording pivotal works to grasp the book as a whole. Two major scholars have emerged on either side of this argument is Ehud ben Zvi and James Nogalski.  They are representative of each of the camps represented in this discussion. Ben Zvi is on the side of reading the Twelve as individual books to glean their teachings.  

Nogalski is of the opinion that the Twelve should be read as a literary whole: 
  • J. D. Nogalski Literary Precursors to the Book of the Twelve (1993)
  • ______, Redactional Processes in the Book of the Twelve (1993)
  • ______, "Intertextuality and the Twelve," in J.D. Watts & P.R. House (eds.), Forming Prophetic Literature (1996)
  • Nogalski, & Sweeney, Reading and Hearing the Book of the Twelve (2000).
Zvi is of the opinion that the Twelve prophets should be read individually:
  • Ehud ben Zvi.  "Twelve Prophetic Books or the Twelve: Some Preliminary Considerations." In Forming prophetic literature essays on Isaiah and the twelve in honor of J.D. Watts.  Francis, Landy. "Three sides of a coin: in conversation with Ben Zvi and Nogalski, Two sides of a coin." The Journal Of Hebrew Scriptures (2010)

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